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I finished the game! That was interesting. I was pleasantly surprised at the puzzle variety! Also good job on creating a playable game with an ending!

Not sure if this is your first game or not but here is some feedback:

Some of the low poly models were untextured and clashed the already established more "realistic" style in the intro area and in the general environment. Choosing one or the other would benefit the look of this game.

A lot of the puzzles need more audio feedback. It took me a little while to figure out how the first puzzle worked because I was having trouble telling what the buttons did. Some audio ques could fix this as well as some smoother animation for the colored ramps.

The second puzzle was enjoyable but the long stretch of walking made me wish the knight moved a bit faster even though his walking animation was fun to look at lol.

And the last puzzle had a good start but the hitboxes on the obstacle course became more frustrating than entertaining. If the camera controls allowed for zooming in and out or looking up and down it might have helped me, but I think The hit boxes could still use some adjusting.

Overall the game is pretty rough and needs a lot of smoothing out, but the problems I mentioned could be a good place to start. I think the idea of a knight solving puzzles could be a lot of fun!

Also nice cat

Hi ! Thanks for these valuable advice, I take note of this. It's not my first game, actually it's my third, but my first that I published on Itch. Glad you're liked it !